Filtering materials
We choose from our E-shop
Biocarrier Helix Flakes 14 liter
The Biocarrier Helix Flakes is a new development in (moving bed) filter media. The Biocarrier Helix Flakes have their origin in the professional waste water treatment, but they have been further developed for usage in ponds. The green chip has a diameter of 18-20mm and is 1mm thick. The unique surface structure has a specific surface area for bacteria of 3250m2/m3- what is in average 4-6 times bigger than traditional bio-rings. As a result you need less of these chips than traditional bio rings.…
59,00 € Detail -
HELIX bio media 50l
New type of floating or moving bio media. Also suited for trickle filters. Ø17 mm, height 15 mm. Surface area 720 m²/m³. Protected surface area is 589m²/m³ ! Because of the high protected surface area this media offers a very high biological filtration compared to other bio rings. Colour: white. On the displayed picture you can see the difference between new (white) biorings and “matured” bio rings with biofilm (darker colour).
85,00 € Detail